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What’s up with people named “Bob”?

Every single person I came into contact with named “Bob” are the strangest people.

I used to have a friend named Bob who was a creepy kid and was hated by everyone but somehow he lived in a reality that everyone liked him. He was rude as hell, said the meanest things, selfish and cheap.

I worked in a nursing home where there was an old fart named Bob who was very lonely. He never got along with anyone and say by himself to eat dinner every night. He was very mean and forgetful plus he got angry for no reason and he hated “colored” people.

One of the person I worked in the past was “Bob” who enjoyed ripping people off (sales position), especially the elderly. He felt happy at others misfortunes or an accidents.

My friends son is oddly named Bob who is a total d**k. He’s a bully.

I met a guy name Bob on a cruise a long time ago. He had a very dark and extremely bizarre sense of humor. For example, he thought it was funny to pee in the swimming pool and actually took a dump in it at night when he was drunk. He thought it was funny when he saw a little kid crying in the corner because his parents were fighting with each other.

So what’s up with people named “Bob” and their personalities? Any suggestions or opinions? Any Bobs who want to tell their side of the story?

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